👋 An Intro to The TPM Craft

And what problem does a TPM solve for?

What is The TPM Craft?

To answer that, we need to understand the problem that TPM’s need to solve. So what is the core problem?

A TPM aims to solve the challenges that exist with scaled execution of strategically important initiatives.

But what skills exactly are needed for a TPM to do this?

In my journey to becoming an impactful TPM, I created the 3-Pillar TPM Skills Framework. This framework helped me focus and grow in my role, and I can't wait to share it with you.

This is The TPM Craft.

🏆 Central Pillar: Program and Project Management Excellence - Master the art of planning, executing, and closing projects efficiently, ensuring that you not only meet but exceed expectations every time.

⚙️ Supporting Pillar: Technical Versatility - Equip yourself with a diverse set of technical skills that make you an invaluable asset to your team, from understanding code to troubleshooting systems.

🧭 Supporting Pillar: Product Operations and Strategy - Align your efforts with the company’s top strategic priorities and standard product operations to drive meaningful change through the company.

🤝 Foundation: Leadership - Learn how to inspire your team, communicate effectively, and make strategic decisions that lead to successful initiative outcomes.

Do you want to become a high-impact TPM by learning more about the TPM Craft?

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