3 Pillars of Product Operations (and why they matter to TPMs)
A better understanding of Product Operations amplifies your impact as a TPM
Problems First. Solutions Second.
How the Double Diamond Product Framework can help your teams focus on the right problems
Book Review: Technical Program Manager's Handbook by Joshua Teter
This book will always have a spot on my bookshelf as a reliable reference to improve my skills within the TPM Craft.
Prog-Proj ExcellenceProg-Proj Excellence
Product Mgmt & OpsProduct Mgmt & Ops
Product Mgmt & OpsProduct Mgmt & Ops
Career ManagementCareer Management
Career ManagementCareer Management
Career ManagementCareer Management
Career ManagementCareer Management
Influential LeadershipInfluential Leadership
Product Mgmt & OpsProduct Mgmt & Ops
Product Mgmt & OpsProduct Mgmt & Ops